Call The Office

Appointments: 0861 111 620 
Mobile: 076 883 9526 

Office Location

Virginia Way Offices, 0 Hamman Street, Stellenbosch, 7600. Click here for directions

Stellenbosch Chiro

At Stellenbosch Chiropractic we believe in and practice an integrated treatment approach that encompasses chiropractic diversified techniques, extracorporeal shockwave therapy, dry needling, scoliosis bracing and kinesiotaping.

Phases of Care

Phase 1 – Pain Relief
We focus on using Chiropractic and various other modalities to treat your condition and help with relieving your pain.

Phase 2 – Wellbeing
Here we slowly introduce guided rehabilitation exercises to help you strengthen your spine and specific joints.

Phase 3 – Maintenance
Here we focus on healthy lifestyle and preventing your condition from reoccurring.

Optimal Health

At Stellenbosch Chiropractic we emphasise the importance of addressing all aspects of your daily life to assist in your healing process.

Scoliosis Bracing

We have a special interest in a new form of bracing to help treat Idiopathic Scoliosis in both adults and adolescents. SpineCor is the only 3 dimensional dynamic brace available worldwide today to help treat Idiopathic Scoliosis.

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